If all goes well and the world doesn’t end before 2012 (a distinct possibility if the ancient Mayans or Harold Camping are correct), then the 2012 Summer Olympics will be held in London. One can only imagine the intense marketing campaign that secured that selection. Because whenever I ask anyone I know to name a spot on the globe that reminds them of summer, London is right up there on the list.
Anyway, I have some suggestions for new sports to add to the next round of Summer Olympics. I know it’s too late for 2012, but maybe they can make the cut for the next round in 2016 – which, I’m sure, given the wisdom of the London choice, will be held in Juneau, Alaska. The following sports are suggested based on 3 criteria: 1) level of difficulty 2) number of athletes who participate on an amateur level and c) it’s my blog and I can pick whatever I want to, for cryin’ out loud.
The recommendations are:
Competitive tether ball – This is an individual sport, though teams could enter and score points on the number of opponents who cry when they lose.
Dodge Ball – an obvious choice if you’ve ever seen the movie by the same name.
Standing on your head – in elementary school, this was a feat that inspired awe in the spectators. One was considered “professional” if he could maintain the posture long enough for his nose to bleed.
Marco Polo – The idea of this sport on the Olympic level, played in an Olympic pool with the various language challenges makes one giddy with anticipation.
Cannon Ball – It’s about time that this well-known but little appreciated art form get its due recognition. Points for style, water displacement, and body mass will make this the new sport to watch.
Freeze tag – Speed and patience is a must for this team sport.
Kick-the-can – Another team sport involving strategy, endurance, agility, and stealth.
Hide-and-seek – This game is known around the world, but given the 10 year search for Osama bin Laden, Al-Qaeda is the odds on favorite for the gold.
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