Thursday, October 10, 2013

Driving Miss Daisy

My wife and I are the caregivers for our grandchildren, aged 14 and 16. The 16 year old is a female, my 1st of 3 grandchildren and 1st of 2 granddaughters. So, once again, I have the responsibility of instructing a 16 year old girl in the art and skill of driving. This is my responsibility, for my wife has expended all of her patience hormones on other issues – not the least of which may or may not include her husband’s failure to pick up his socks, hit the clothes hamper (or even try), wash a dish, or act in a manner different than any 14 year old boy with mommy issues.

Driving with a 16 year old girl is an experience everyone should add to their bucket list. It makes bungee jumping, sky diving and running with the bulls in Pamplona pale in adventure and fright. I was ready for this challenge. I had been hardened by several years of living in the same house with a girl entering puberty and a wife experiencing menopause.  Dante’s 9 circles of hell are a walk in the park in comparison. But, back to the driving.

She has completed driver’s training and now needs practice before she takes her test for her license.  Apparently, driver’s instruction has changed a lot over the years since I received driver’s training (and, yes, they did have driver’s training back then, and no, we didn’t use horses every time). As we set out for our initial drive, I discovered that there are so many important issues that must be covered in the modern driving experience. Here is a checklist, every bit as important as the checklist that a flight crew must complete before each take off:

·         Open the car door and sit behind the wheel. This may seem like a “given” but for some, it is a challenge. For example, if the door is locked, how does one open the door? There are several options: press the unlock button on the key thingy, use the key to unlock the door, call the locksmith to extract the ignition key that you forced into the lock, use the right key, or for the 16 year who is a blonde, reach in the open window and unlock the car.
·         Once seated, the checklist begins. First, adjust your mirrors.
·         Readjust your mirrors after you have checked your makeup, hair, and performed the requisite zit count on your post-pubescent face.
·         Insert the key into the ignition. Express massive amounts of frustration when the key does not fit and accuse the driving coach (me) of giving you the wrong set of keys.
·         Remove the trunk key you attempted to jam into the ignition and use the ignition key.
·         Fasten your seatbelt. Glare at your passenger (me) until he fastens his.
·         Adjust the tilt steering wheel to the optimal position. This will require no fewer than 9 attempts.
·          Adjust the side mirrors and take another quick make up check in the visor mirror before ignition.
·         Start the car by turning the ignition to the “on” position. Ask the driving coach (me) if the engine started because it’s hard to hear over the grinding noise made by the starter. Release the ignition before the starter grinds itself into powder.
·         Prior to engaging the transmission (in technical 16 year old jargon “the gear shift thingy”), find the appropriate radio station to provide the exact music needed to enhance the driving experience.
·         Make sure all of the radio’s presets are tuned to a radio station of your choice because heaven help us if we had to actually listen to a commercial or weather forecast.
·         Put the car in gear and head for the road.
I must end at this point. Actually, I was too emotionally exhausted to remember much else. I think I blanked out. All I remember is sitting in my driveway sometime later in the passenger seat of the car, curled in a fetal position.  I think I may be losing my patience hormones.

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